In order to better serve the IHSS Recipient, the Registry maintains a list of pre-screened IHSS Providers who are ready to work for IHSS Recipients. If you are an IHSS Recipient looking for an IHSS Provider to work for you, the Registry can assist you with this process by sending you a list of Providers. If you are an IHSS Provider ready to be added to the Public Authority Registry referral list, see if you fit the Registry’s criteria.
We offer providers and recipients a variety of workshops, classes and discussion groups where they can learn more about how IHSS works, their responsibilities and how to provide better care. Find a list of offerings on the Training Page and printed educational materials on the Publications Page . (If you are looking for the IHSS mandatory orientation, find details on the IHSS Information Page.
Health Benefits
In Home Supportive Services offers health benefits to eligible providers. Click here to find out more!
Our free publications keep recipients and providers informed about the IHSS program and best practices for care-giving and supervision of recipients. Publications include brochures, handbooks, and factsheets.